Monday, June 25, 2012

4 Tips to Take Your Mind off The Breakup

Now that you are dealing with a breakup it becomes easy to fall into self-pity. The tendency is to remove yourself from the outside world and turn into a solitary person. A breakup brings along with it a wide range of emotions that can bring you down. The sooner you are able to work through and overcome these emotions the quicker life can get back to normal and possibly create a chance of getting back together. Getting over the breakup won’t be easy but following are some tips to implement after the breakup.

1-      Pick up a new hobby or resume an old one.

Resuming an old hobby may seem like a waste of time in the beginning but be patient because it can have a healing effect. Understand that sulking in anger about the circumstances you are presently facing will not improve your chances to realize the love you deserve. By finding something you can be passionate and enjoy moves you closer to achieving the ideal relationship. Do not mistake the fact that it is appropriate to grieve but you don’t have to dwell on it for a long period. The purpose of finding the hobby is not to please someone else but rather occupy yourself. Involve yourself in the hobby for the reason that it provides direction and purpose towards being able to accomplish something great, which you can certainly do. 

2-      Reconnect with friends

People enjoy spending time catching up and building friendships. Contact some family and old friends that you can enjoy some time with. Think about different things that you can do for others to let them know you were thinking about them. A lot of joy can be found in taking the attention off of you and directing it towards others to see them happy.

3-      Reading

Finding a good book takes your mind off the breakup which allows you to relax and reinvigorate. A practical approach might be finding a book club or starting one of your own in order to associate with others. Books can allow you to transport into a new world temporarily with your imagination and help you realize there is more out there for you. 

4-      Shopping

Spending time at different shops can inspire by changing your mood. Perhaps there is something that you can purchase for your hobby. Use your time to window shop for all the things you have ever dreamed of having such as your dream car, jewelry, or clothing. Exploring all the different amenities and luxuries available to you can ignite hope and excitement about all the world has to offer. 

Changing your mood and building relationships will put a new perspective on the breakup. The time spent on things you enjoy opens your mind to seeing the relationship where problems existed that may not have been recognized thus allowing you to fix them.

And now to you...

We'll cover more ideas for getting your ex back as we move forward but for now you have some ideas to implement to begin your process of healing.

What other ideas do you have for taking your mind off the breakup? What else would you like to know about getting your ex back and dealing with a breakup?

Share your comments and questions below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's True: Win Your Love Back and Keep Them

Unfortunately, you have found yourself still in love with the one that has walked out on the relationship and you want to win your love back. Everyone makes mistakes in a relationship and now that you have lost your ex nothing is more important than making changes so you can win your love back. By being willing to follow these steps you will be on your way to getting your ex back and keeping them.

The majority of people in an attempt to save their relationship desperately beg for their ex to take them back. Out of the desperation they are doing all they can in the early stages of the breakup to salvage the relationship without considering what went wrong. Making these desperate attempts does not allow contemplation on the issues and causes an on again off again type relationship. Take some time to get your head together as the first step to win your love back. Avoid looking to place blame on your ex as you use this time to sort everything out. 

The first thought should be to look at yourself and the role you played in the breakup. You may not have been the person that ended the relationship but you did have your part in leading up to the breakup. During your time of reflection it is essential that everything cools down and heal so you should be in no contact with your ex. 

Going from being in a relationship with your ex and then not contacting them will not be easy but vital that you follow through with this. The desperation makes you vulnerable which can cause you to say or do things which could hinder progress to win your love back. Staying away from contacting your ex makes you become more attractive to them because you will create a void in their life and people always want what they can’t have. Besides you do not want to try and make your ex commit to the relationship that they are not happy in until you make some changes that caused the breakup. 

Working on yourself improves your confidence and brings about noticeable change. After a short time your ex will begin to become curious about what is going on with you and will find a reason to contact you. The improvements you have started to make in your life will become evident to your ex making you desirable. Begin to discuss elements of their life but avoid bringing up the breakup. Keep in contact with your ex and make improvements on yourself realizing that it is a process to win your love back.

Hope this helps,


Monday, June 18, 2012

Win Back Your Ex By Making Them Fall In Love With You

Given that you want to win back your ex realize  that you remain the person with the greatest likelihood of making this a possibility. After all, your ex fell in love with you at some point  even if they are not willing  to admit it. Understanding  that there is hope in being able to win back your ex is foundational for moving ahead with the following concepts. Belief will help you keep at it through some of the challenges that come in trying to win back your ex. However, belief alone cannot bring your ex back and implementing the information contained here places the probability much higher.

When your ex knows that you are always  going to be there waiting because you are in love with them it makes it harder for them to fall in love with you. People always want what they can’t have and by waiting it causes them not to want you. The concept may seem contradictory to what feels to be the natural course you should go to win back your ex. However, by breaking yourself free from your attachment to them at least for a short time it develops curiosity and makes you more attractive. Become aware  of your availability to your ex.

As a consequence of the breakup you have a separate life from theirs now and so you must not be readily  available to them anymore. Instead of sulking and waiting around for your ex to contact you, it is now time to go out and do things that you get pleasure from. There will be a noticeable change  in you and your behavior which will get things moving quickly to win back your ex. By taking care of yourself the confidence portrayed to your ex becomes strongly attractive.

In the beginning of the relationship you were doing everything you could to impress your ex. Start  exercising or whatever makes you feel energized and ready to take on the day. Getting into a confident, energetic state everyday will get you enjoying life triggering people to be pulled towards you. Appreciate all the wonderful things that are going right and working in your life now.

Having gratitude creates amazing changes in your character for the reason that it gives the impression to everyone around you that there is something you have that they don’t. As mentioned previously people are always wanting to chase what they don’t have. By appearing to have everything you become a magnet to everyone who wants what you have. You’ll glow with happiness inside and drive your ex crazy thinking about the changes you have made.

Discovering these wonderful aspects within you allows love to swell  inside making you a person to be loved. Through loving yourself first and not needing your ex to offer that love it positions you into a desirable outcome. When you stop having to get the love from your ex is when your ex begins chasing you for love.

All the best,


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just Friends - Powerful Secrets to Get Past Just Friends With An Ex

Your ex has just come to you and said that it is better that you are just friends, how do you try and make it more? The challenges that appear from still being in love with your ex but being in the “just friend’s” mode can add additional strain to having more. Under the conditions you continue to wonder what you are doing which makes the condition totally frustrating. Wanting more out of the relationship is completely common but if you leave the relationship in the friend zone for too long you can feel trapped. Accepting your function in the friendship, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to move into a relationship again are the intentions of this article.

Accept the role you play as being a friend with your ex will shed light on how to get your ex back. Are you the friend that they never  call or talk to since the breakup? If you are playing this role in the relationship than that is just their way of easing the pain of the breakup and they aren’t interested in friendship. Maybe your ex does talk with you on occasion it is enjoyable with progress being made but not much. Being friends in this situation is not all that you completely want but there is some advantage  to it.

Perceive your friendship as an opening to still be in contact with your ex but keeping the relationship on a trial  basis. During  this trial period it is vital that you set out making changes or else your ex will see  that staying just friends or worse ending things with you is the right thing to do. Regardless  if you are in contact or not you must identify why the relationship ended. By remaining in frequent communication you secure your position to get through this comfort zone of friends intended to keep both of you happy, it is after all short-lived.

The crucial factor in developing the relationship into more than friends is to create attraction, emotional connection, and sexual tension. Attraction is the fundamental difference between friendship and a relationship. In the beginning of the relationship with your ex you were doing the best you could to look good and impress them. Additionally, the conversations were long and enjoyable discussing all there was to understand about each other. Begin  to focus your discussions in a similar manner by avoiding the talk of your relationship and the breakup. Direct the conversations toward similar interests and be flirtatious. Be patient because rebuilding the attraction can take a bit of time. Most importantly focus on the discussion and building the connection all over again.

First Steps to Get Your Ex Back Quickly! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Get Your Boyfriend Back – New Discovery Reveals How

The first place to start to get your boyfriend back is to understand what men want. Men typically don’t express their feelings and emotions making it difficult for a woman to understand what they want. The tendency for a man is to bottle up things adding to the challenge of resolving issues and talking through problems. Women communicate completely opposite of men and it can become confusing to see the actions he takes that are contrary to the way you want him to communicate. In order to help remedy these problems a woman must understand what a man wants.

The first thing to avoid is to play games to get your boyfriend back. Men are extremely simple they won’t play games and hate the prospect of this tactic. Being straightforward is a far better strategy and getting to the point. By understanding that men only need one major thing in a relationship and one type of woman it will put you on the path to get your boyfriend back quickly.

Men need to feel like they can provide and protect their woman and/or family. The primary need a man needs is to be a man. He needs to appear or wants to be the “alpha male” in the relationship. The best way a woman can provide this need is to support her man and stand by him. Making him feel desired is the best way to keep him satisfied. However, do not confuse this with acting needy or being clingy. Men like and need their space by not providing it they will feel suffocated.

Be careful not to counteract the efforts you take to make him feel like a man by complaining about the things he never does right. Praise, appreciate and be supportive to your man. If you want to get your boyfriend back you need to become the woman he fell in love with. Consider the things that attracted him to you in the first place like being funny, sexy, happy, and playful. Once you bring out the girl he fell in love with make life easier by having him chase you.

Men enjoy a challenge so become a little more difficult to have by making it too easy he will lose interest quickly. Avoid sleeping with an ex boyfriend until you know that he is willing to commit to you. Provide the challenge by making him work for affection and the time he spends with you causing him to want more and more with you.

Applying these simple ideas with the knowledge of what a man wants in a relationship puts you in a position to get your boyfriend back. Be careful of the tendency of complicating these steps by remembering that men are simple and do not require much to be happy in a relationship. 

First Steps to Get Your Ex Back Quickly! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4 Ways to Get Your Ex Back the Shocking Truth

In attempting to find the ways to get your ex back you are destined to find a number of tips and techniques but they are not all created equal. Do you continually attract the wrong people into your relationships? Often feeling like there is no hope to finding the right person to spend your time with. Does it seem as though the same imperfections appear in all these different people or you continue having the same fight? The world is filled with a variety of people so trying to find a person that is the mirror image of you is an impossible task. Even if it was possible to find the mirror image of you in someone else it’s likely that you wouldn’t be happy. The variety of life is what makes being alive interesting and fun. It is my hope that this article will be an immense source of information providing methods you can immediately put into practice for ways to get your ex back.

Most people have an image in their mind of their ideal partner and also how their perfect relationship should be. When the person that they thought was ideal does not conform to the ideals that they have it can cause contention within the relationship. Developing guidelines for what you want in a partner is a great step but they must be flexible. Understanding the past and those things that can affect positive change for the future is your greatest arsenal in the ways to get your ex back.

Resolve past issues

Flexibility in a relationship is one of the greatest assets you can posses because of the varied personalities in people. Gaining an awareness of the issues from the past that instigated the breakup can be difficult but need to be evaluated in order to avoid them in the future. Moving on from the past lays the groundwork for building a joyous future. During this step in the process you must absolutely point the finger at yourself and consider the role that you played in the ending of the relationship. Ultimately the only person you can change is yourself and that is where you should focus the most effort in so doing you are becoming an ideal partner for your ex.

Get a life

The natural tendency for those suffering from a breakup is to become anti-social. Now is the critical time to take action that is not natural so the result will move you into a direction toward having your ex back. With the extra time on your hands instead of sulking or being angry get in touch with friends and meet new people. The idea is to begin creating curiosity in your ex. Interest is provoked in your ex because they will begin to wonder what is going on in your life and how you are handling the breakup and they will likely get in touch with you.

Listen to your ex

A person has an inherent need to be heard and it is essential during this sensitive time in your relationship to listen. The excitement could get you very easily overreacting over their communication with you that you feel compelled to give all the reasons why you should get back together. Avoid taking such action for the reason that it will delay the progress that is being made as a way to get your ex back. Acknowledge what they are saying and repeat back to them what you thought they said at various periods in the conversation so they know you are listening. Listening to your ex will surprise them and stir up the idea that you are making changes. The attitude towards their reasons for the breakup needs to be understanding and acceptance.

Accept the breakup

A great majority of the reasons for the breakup are really too late to think that fixing them will cause them to take you back right away. If that was the case than they wouldn’t have ended the relationship and allowed you to make the changes they desired. Accepting the breakup can be difficult but by listening to them and then providing the distance they want it shows that you are not desperate. Desperation can be very unattractive so you should be showing confidence in your new circumstances. Giving your ex distance shows the breakup has been accepted and you are confident in the new direction.

Work on yourself and focus on the changes that you can make with who you are. Make the changes that you need to become a better partner in the relationship and the results will be magnificent as you follow the ways to get your ex back.

To Your Happiness,


First Steps to Get Your Ex Back Quickly!