Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's True: Win Your Love Back and Keep Them

Unfortunately, you have found yourself still in love with the one that has walked out on the relationship and you want to win your love back. Everyone makes mistakes in a relationship and now that you have lost your ex nothing is more important than making changes so you can win your love back. By being willing to follow these steps you will be on your way to getting your ex back and keeping them.

The majority of people in an attempt to save their relationship desperately beg for their ex to take them back. Out of the desperation they are doing all they can in the early stages of the breakup to salvage the relationship without considering what went wrong. Making these desperate attempts does not allow contemplation on the issues and causes an on again off again type relationship. Take some time to get your head together as the first step to win your love back. Avoid looking to place blame on your ex as you use this time to sort everything out. 

The first thought should be to look at yourself and the role you played in the breakup. You may not have been the person that ended the relationship but you did have your part in leading up to the breakup. During your time of reflection it is essential that everything cools down and heal so you should be in no contact with your ex. 

Going from being in a relationship with your ex and then not contacting them will not be easy but vital that you follow through with this. The desperation makes you vulnerable which can cause you to say or do things which could hinder progress to win your love back. Staying away from contacting your ex makes you become more attractive to them because you will create a void in their life and people always want what they can’t have. Besides you do not want to try and make your ex commit to the relationship that they are not happy in until you make some changes that caused the breakup. 

Working on yourself improves your confidence and brings about noticeable change. After a short time your ex will begin to become curious about what is going on with you and will find a reason to contact you. The improvements you have started to make in your life will become evident to your ex making you desirable. Begin to discuss elements of their life but avoid bringing up the breakup. Keep in contact with your ex and make improvements on yourself realizing that it is a process to win your love back.

Hope this helps,


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