Monday, July 30, 2012

Is Your Ex Leading You On?

So you’ve been through the terrible pain of the break up, now you expect everything to be different, but somehow your Ex is STILL acting like you’re in a relationship together.. but the catch is.. you’re NOT!

This is where you’re going to say to yourself.. “What the hell is going on here?!?!”

Amazingly, this is incredibly Familiar, but the bad news is, it can also go on and on for a long time after the break up and NOTHING could happen. It’s you being strung along, as a half friend half love fascination.. sort of thing!

Is your ex just stringing you along?

Is your ex leading you on for their own amusement?

Sure-Fire Signs to Look Out For If You’re Worried Your Ex Might Be Leading You On:

* Your ex continues to make contact with you and wants you to do things for them even though they’re in a new relationship.

This is common especially when they know you have deep feelings for them and you don’t want to let go of the relationship. Your Ex could be taking advantage of the situation and merely enjoy the attention they’re getting.

* Your Ex continues to tell you they love you and even want to be physical with you, but when asked for commitment, they back away cold.

This can be very baffling and hurtful. Your ex is enjoying the fact that they can have you whenever they want without the responsibilities of a full relationship. They are hanging onto you until something better comes along. Don’t allow this to continue.

* When you always go out of your way to help your ex but when tables are turned, they leave you fending for yourself.

If all they do is come up with excuses when you need their help, it’s time to rethink what you’re doing. This is a one-sided relationship, what are YOU getting out of it?

When Your Ex is Genuinely Confused About Their Feelings For You

In some instances your ex might really be baffled about what they want. Sometimes people hate to admit they were wrong in the first place. Your ex might have feelings for you, they might even think they’ve made a faux pas, but they’re uncertain how to tell you. It’s best to get your feelings out in the open and confront your ex. If they’re not just stringing you along, they will honestly not want to hurt you anymore.

Sometimes it’s very common for an Ex to be “on the fence” so to speak and not WANT to make a choice. When this happens, they’ll do what “feels good” in the moment. That might mean, they’ll call you missing you one minute, and then complain about you being coming on strong when they’ve explain how they “just want to be friends”.

It’s NOT a good idea to go around accusing them of the game they’re playing. Sometimes, they’re just not even conscious of it, and it’s only a sign of the confused state THEY are in because of the break up.
Want to know how you can make your ex come back to you?And actually WANT to be with you again?
Having a plan to get your ex back is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing because you could easily be lead off track… or into the dreaded “friendzone” for life.

To Your Happiness,


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Powerful Secrets To Get Back An Ex

Can you possibly get your ex back for good? Typically a breakup does not occur when the couple is full of smiles and hugs. Ending a relationship under these circumstances is not very encouraging when you want to get back an ex. The result of a breakup does not end the feelings that the couple has for each other on all accounts. Love can still be alive within your ex and this can certainly impact your success to get them back.

After a breakup out of desperation to get back an ex a person goes about it completely the wrong way. Calling and begging them back, sending ordinary gifts such as roses, and stalking your ex through friends and family are examples that might not be appreciated. A better strategy during the infant stages of the breakup is to spend time to yourself and with friends. Use the extra time to contemplate the reasons that the breakup occurred. You had a part in the ending of the relationship and so uncovering this fault and correcting it will better prepare you to be in a relationship again.

The difficulty in finding fault in yourself is not an easy task but will pay dividends in this step. Approach your ex and admit the mistakes that were made. Be careful with the apology to prevent sounding desperate and begging forgiveness. Simply acknowledge your fault in the breakup and avoid becoming angry to get back an ex. It is absolutely critical that in this step that you are sincere and heartfelt in confessing the mistakes you made.

Remember that under such sensitive circumstances there are not many chances to make corrections and win the heart back of your ex. Following the apology it is a good time to disappear from being in contact with your ex. In order to get back an ex you must send the message that it is not affecting you terribly. Begin getting your life back on track and it will shock your ex into wondering why the sudden lack of interest has come about. A random run-in or phone call will soon follow to appease the curiosity of your ex. Create some small talk but do not quickly begin begging or boasting just have confidence with your new lot in life as you attempt to get back an ex. 

All the best,


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Did The Break Up Happen? Can I fix it?

If you have found yourself asking the question "How did the break up happen?"it may be a clear sign that communication was not effective in the relationship. Perhaps the communication wasn't honest. Becoming more involved in a relationship makes it natural to reveal deeper personal aspects about yourself. Revealing this type of information requires trust and can make you vulnerable. The vulnerability can have an effect upon the way you handle conflict in the relationship.

When issues arise do you willingly discuss them with your partner and are you the one to bring them up? Do you have the tendency to make excuses to avoid contention by brushing aside an issue by thinking "it's not a big deal what's the point in fussing about it?" Letting things go that you should have discussed with your partner in other words. Continually allowing things to slide and just letting them go builds resentment over time. Realize that communication issues plays a tremendous role in the cause of a break up.

Within a matter of time it soon becomes difficult to overlook these issues because they have been allowed to build on one another. The greatest portion of communication can be pinpointed to listening. Ask yourself "Am I a good listener?" Maybe your ex made numerous attempts at resolving conflicts but felt like they were talking to a brick wall so eventually gave up by ending the relationship.

Fortunately, all hope is not lost under the circumstances. Begin making changes in your communication skills. When the opportunity arises to speak with your ex again listen intently to every word they say. Sincerely listen to what they are telling you and be patient for your turn to speak. Learning how to listen and communicate effectively will become evident in all your relationships. People will gravitate toward you because they will feel as if they have been heard every time they speak with you.

Since you sincerely want to get your ex back after a break up it is essential that you start sharing your concerns. Make sure that the time is right when you begin voicing these issues that might be lingering. Starting a relationship again when conflict has not been resolved is a bad position to launch off in. Realize that a major part of having a successful relationship comes down to how you express yourself toward your ex and how you allow them to express themselves to you.

To Your Happiness,


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

5 Powerful Tips for Getting Your Ex Back Right Now

Getting your ex back right now is a high ranking priority when facing a break up. What does it take to really make that happen? Knowing the steps to ensure that mistakes aren't made and that your efforts are successful is key. There is no reason to consider that moving on is the only option following a break up. When all you can think about is your ex and getting them back it is a worthy venture to make that come to pass. Take comfort in realizing the following tips have been applied by many in effectively getting back an ex.

 Tip #1

 Avoid contacting your ex immediately after the break up. The greatest challenge you will encounter for getting your ex back right now is initiating no contact. There will be times during this phase when contacting your ex to provoke a response for beginning a conversation may be tempting. In order for this tip to be successful it is necessary that you wait for your ex to initiate the conversation and contact you.

Tip #2

Refrain from appearing desperate, jealous, needy or miserable. People want what they can't have and you compound the problem for getting your ex back when constantly chasing after them. More negative associations will be piled upon yourself when your ex has this perception about you. 

Tip #3

Reasoning with them by professing your love and other "logical" arguments should not be undertaken. Utilize the natural attraction that all people are triggered by because the previous method never works. Pull your ex towards you and not push them. Wouldn't the process of getting your ex back be much simpler if they became attracted to you again and chased you as an alternative of the other way around?

Tip #4

Focus on spending your time working on yourself becoming better and not trying to change the mind of your ex. Now is an excellent time to get your life in order in all aspects. The new improvements will start to draw people toward you including your ex. Curiosity is ignited in the mind of your ex because of all the changes and the restraint in contact.

Tip #5

Refuse to give in to being friends with your ex when getting your ex back is of extreme importance. There is no sincere desire to be friends in the suggestion and it rarely works out. Moving out of the "friend zone" can be a difficult challenge even if the friendship happens to work out.

To Your Happiness,


Monday, July 2, 2012

Overcome Lack of Trust And Save Your Relationship

Relationships commonly end because of a lack of trust. The accumulation of lies throughout a relationship compounds the problems of trust. Imagined scenarios and jumping to conclusions create a breeding ground for conflict as a result of each new lie. Everyone makes mistakes which can be difficult to resolve in a relationship. However, a lack of trust can insult your partner causing them to want to end the relationship.

Putting an end to trust issues is not always easy and takes time. Personal insecurities make up a large portion of the lack of trust. Focusing your attention upon fears begins to create the reality of your life. The images you hold in the imagination can be very real and vivid. Consider other alternatives related to your thoughts to hinder personal insecurities causing contention within the relationship. Dealing with lack of trust when it has been violated in the past can be a challenge to overcome.

Your partner may have lied to you in the past only so be careful of falsely accusing them exclusively on that point alone. Sincerely evaluate the situation by weighing out all the different possibilities. Accusing and always assuming the worst instead of giving the benefit of the doubt reinforces the negative behavior. Attempting to overcome the lack of trust requires that you begin stretching the comfort zone of trust a little at a time.

Although, if you created the distrust in the relationship it is critical that 100% honesty is practiced which starts with yourself. If you are given the opportunity to rebuild trust realize that it is a probationary period so you must make every attempt to provide answers to questions in addition to openly supplying information. The reasons for lying are varied with each situation being different, so gauge the lack of trust that has been created. Understanding the amount of trust remaining in the relationship sheds light upon the effort necessary to regain trust.

A good sincere apology works in your favor for creating miracles with whatever mistake you have made. Wiping the slate clean or clearing away years of damage begins with an apology delivered correctly. Plan the apology by focusing on feelings instead of blame or excuses. Be sincere from a place of honesty and love, knowing why you are apologizing. Apologies can be applied to everyday relationships as well with the knowledge to overcome the lack of trust. 

All the best,


Monday, June 25, 2012

4 Tips to Take Your Mind off The Breakup

Now that you are dealing with a breakup it becomes easy to fall into self-pity. The tendency is to remove yourself from the outside world and turn into a solitary person. A breakup brings along with it a wide range of emotions that can bring you down. The sooner you are able to work through and overcome these emotions the quicker life can get back to normal and possibly create a chance of getting back together. Getting over the breakup won’t be easy but following are some tips to implement after the breakup.

1-      Pick up a new hobby or resume an old one.

Resuming an old hobby may seem like a waste of time in the beginning but be patient because it can have a healing effect. Understand that sulking in anger about the circumstances you are presently facing will not improve your chances to realize the love you deserve. By finding something you can be passionate and enjoy moves you closer to achieving the ideal relationship. Do not mistake the fact that it is appropriate to grieve but you don’t have to dwell on it for a long period. The purpose of finding the hobby is not to please someone else but rather occupy yourself. Involve yourself in the hobby for the reason that it provides direction and purpose towards being able to accomplish something great, which you can certainly do. 

2-      Reconnect with friends

People enjoy spending time catching up and building friendships. Contact some family and old friends that you can enjoy some time with. Think about different things that you can do for others to let them know you were thinking about them. A lot of joy can be found in taking the attention off of you and directing it towards others to see them happy.

3-      Reading

Finding a good book takes your mind off the breakup which allows you to relax and reinvigorate. A practical approach might be finding a book club or starting one of your own in order to associate with others. Books can allow you to transport into a new world temporarily with your imagination and help you realize there is more out there for you. 

4-      Shopping

Spending time at different shops can inspire by changing your mood. Perhaps there is something that you can purchase for your hobby. Use your time to window shop for all the things you have ever dreamed of having such as your dream car, jewelry, or clothing. Exploring all the different amenities and luxuries available to you can ignite hope and excitement about all the world has to offer. 

Changing your mood and building relationships will put a new perspective on the breakup. The time spent on things you enjoy opens your mind to seeing the relationship where problems existed that may not have been recognized thus allowing you to fix them.

And now to you...

We'll cover more ideas for getting your ex back as we move forward but for now you have some ideas to implement to begin your process of healing.

What other ideas do you have for taking your mind off the breakup? What else would you like to know about getting your ex back and dealing with a breakup?

Share your comments and questions below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's True: Win Your Love Back and Keep Them

Unfortunately, you have found yourself still in love with the one that has walked out on the relationship and you want to win your love back. Everyone makes mistakes in a relationship and now that you have lost your ex nothing is more important than making changes so you can win your love back. By being willing to follow these steps you will be on your way to getting your ex back and keeping them.

The majority of people in an attempt to save their relationship desperately beg for their ex to take them back. Out of the desperation they are doing all they can in the early stages of the breakup to salvage the relationship without considering what went wrong. Making these desperate attempts does not allow contemplation on the issues and causes an on again off again type relationship. Take some time to get your head together as the first step to win your love back. Avoid looking to place blame on your ex as you use this time to sort everything out. 

The first thought should be to look at yourself and the role you played in the breakup. You may not have been the person that ended the relationship but you did have your part in leading up to the breakup. During your time of reflection it is essential that everything cools down and heal so you should be in no contact with your ex. 

Going from being in a relationship with your ex and then not contacting them will not be easy but vital that you follow through with this. The desperation makes you vulnerable which can cause you to say or do things which could hinder progress to win your love back. Staying away from contacting your ex makes you become more attractive to them because you will create a void in their life and people always want what they can’t have. Besides you do not want to try and make your ex commit to the relationship that they are not happy in until you make some changes that caused the breakup. 

Working on yourself improves your confidence and brings about noticeable change. After a short time your ex will begin to become curious about what is going on with you and will find a reason to contact you. The improvements you have started to make in your life will become evident to your ex making you desirable. Begin to discuss elements of their life but avoid bringing up the breakup. Keep in contact with your ex and make improvements on yourself realizing that it is a process to win your love back.

Hope this helps,
