Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Get Your Ex Back Checklist

Now you have the green light from your ex to get back together but before you leap with excitement there are a number of things to consider. Provided here is a list of items to be worked through to ensure that a long-term relationship is created with this second chance. Carefully spend the time it takes to progress through this checklist and a new relationship will be born by way of the effort placed on the actions in this list.
ð       Past problems are resolved
Since all relationships deal with different circumstances defining resolved can be an issue. However, if you and your ex are willing to work together to get beyond the past than place a check mark next to this item.

ð       Future appears hopeful and promising
Looking to the future of your relationship does it appear different than the past? Realizing that you and your partner will change and so will the relationship but you can grow together.

ð       A lesson has been learned
Look deep to discover why the relationship ended and what can be learned to prevent this from happening again. Relationships don’t end for any reason at all so there are issues that were not resolved. Write down the lesson(s) that you have learned through this experience.

ð       Life goes on without them
Being apart from your ex should have created the realization that you don’t need your partner in your life. Happiness and enjoyment in life can come about regardless of your ex in your life. Although, that does not mean that you have to live without your ex just so that you know that happiness is not dependent upon anyone but yourself.

ð       Life goals and values are aligned
A successful relationship builds on the strengths of one another and inspires each person to become better. It is not a requirement to have the same goals but the importance of similar values help ensure long-term success.

ð       Prepared to compromise
Prepare yourself to give and take a little because things will not always go the way you plan. Sacrifice is required from time to time for the happiness of your partner.

ð       Confidence in the love your partner has for you
Your ex should have respect for you and have a willingness to put effort into the relationship by placing your needs above their own at times.

ð       Love your ex for who they are
Attempting to change your ex for whom they are causes a great deal of conflict in a relationship. Accept them for who they are and do not try and change those things you are not happy with. Instead focus on the changes you can make which are where your real control is at.

ð       Let go of the past
Keep your focus upon the moment so that you can enjoy now with your partner in love and fun. The only moment you have control in your life is now so begin to direct your attention and energy with what can be done now and release the events of the past.

ð       Attend to yourself with love
The time apart that you have spent developed a love for yourself and this should not be neglected. Continually improve and develop yourself to remain happy. Be attentive to your own needs as well.

Keep the preceding items in mind and if things start moving in a negative direction than you will know the reason why. Remember to have confidence in yourself with the knowledge that your happiness is dependent upon you.

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