Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here Is a Quick Way to Get Your Ex Back With a Psychological Trigger

The information that I am about to reveal is to be used with caution. If you want to get your ex back than this psychological trigger is extremely powerful. With minimal delay this method has profound effects upon a human being. By following the information I am about to suggest it is the primary basis to get your ex back. The idea is based on a principal of psychology, specifically that people want what they can’t have. 

Individuals instinctively want what they can’t have because of the innate characteristic of trying to advance life. Throughout history human beings have always strived to create more with the resources at their disposal. The world we live in is a prime example of the continued advancements being made. With this knowledge and adhering to the principal you will be astonished by the effectiveness of this method. Together with this understanding the question remains how does this work?

An understanding of how this principal works in the application to get your ex back promotes successful results. In considering the rejection you have experienced from your ex it is clear that they recognize you want them more than they want you.  There would not have been a split that is one sided if it wasn’t the case. The secret is to make your ex think that you are adjusting well, moving on with ease and don’t want them anymore.

The ideas that I just suggested are going to seem completely contradictory to your natural tendencies. Know that such feelings are normal because naturally you want to chase after them to get your ex back. However, since you understand the principle of psychology it should make more sense to avoid acting on your emotions and implement a strategic plan. Take the following two steps I suggest here to convey the thought that you are moving on:

Step 1: Send a note that is hand written to your ex.

Step 2: The note will be to notify your ex that you have decided to move on because you have accepted the breakup. Let your ex know that you are working to get your life back in order and end the note with a statement to create curiosity. The tone of the note should illustrate happiness but not too much. It is important that you keep the note short and again end it with a statement to create curiosity. Perhaps providing a small detail about something you are doing in the near future.

Remember not to go over the top with detail and explanations. Send the note and expect to receive a call from your ex. In the event that they don’t call you send a text message that appears to be accidental. Once you have planted the idea of moving on and creating a new future refrain from contacting your ex. In order to get your ex back it is essential that you maintain the posture of not wanting them. Sit back and wait for the chasing to begin by using this powerful psychological trigger. 

To Your Happiness,


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